Wednesday, April 2, 2014

The Opposite Family

My husband and I are quite aware of the differences between us.  Mainly its our thought processes.  I am a very practical person, I will admit sometimes too practical, and I enjoy simplicity.  Jonathan on the other hand wants to always be (we will say) revolutionary and/or unconventional with his ideas and thinking.  Neither are bad and glad God made people different.  Otherwise it would be a boring and struggling world.  We are thankful also we can laugh about our differences instead of bicker about them (sometimes). :)
Shall I give you an example of our opposite family?

This week Jonathan decided he wanted to hang a large florescent light in our FAMILY ROOM to help some seedlings grow.  So attractive, I thought, would a random large florescent light be hanging from a main focal point of the room.  Did I mention it was large AND in our family room where our kids play.

He wants to hang this-


Here he is at work-

Excited about his idea-

So being the quiet, passive person that I am (I hear you laughing) I gave in... kind of.
I was quiet.... in my further disapproval.
Non-approval face number 1-

Non-approval face number 2-

Whoops, he almost caught me-

More disapproving-

Ok, I better stop since he is getting annoyed at my giggling in the background-

In case your mind went there.... I am thankful for my husband's differences.  It keeps both our minds open.  I love all of him and hope you don't think I am mocking him in any way.  SOOOO minor things like this are in the grand scheme of life... well at the moment this is minor.... we will see how these seedlings do in the middle of the family room (aka war zone, yummmm dirt little lady says)-

The opposites do NOT end there.  Little man and little lady are quite opposite also.

Another example-
Little man painting his painting JUST like the included sticker.

Little lady paying no attention to the lines and doing her own thing (a true artist I guess).  She can stay within the lines, this isn't a motor skill thing-

Finish product comparison.  Realism on the left, abstract art on the right-

Little man reading a fact handbook on sharks (nerd alert!)-

Little lady falling asleep to a story about a silly turkey wearing his clothes different from everyone else (her favorite book right now)-

Variety is the spice of life!
Not sure yet which way baby girl is going to go.  For now she has much more important matters to tend to.  Like what are these things attached to me and why doesn't food come out of them?  Right now she is a full fledge explorer.  Looking forward to learning what unique individual she will become.

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