Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Its A Nice Day For Some... White Painting...

It's a nice day to... start again!
80's music fans should be proud of me.  What better way to begin a post about painting stuff white than to begin it with Billy Idol (<insert> sarcasm).

The song would be in my head right now, but I am distracted by little man beating on a mixing bowl drum for no related reason.
I have been house bound and being the extrovert that I am it gets somewhat trying.  Getting small house projects complete have proven to be pick-me-ups.  Finding time for those projects is another issue... but you make time for things you find important (and my sanity is somewhat important :).
So the other day I pulled out the painting supplies in attempt to finish the dining room trim.  I got ONE WHOLE WINDOW painted during the kid's rest time.  There was prep work such as sanding and taping that added time, but the completed project lifted my spirits.
Here is the before dining room, previous black painted frames and unfinished trim.  And yes, I did put baby in the (bottom) corner (I'm on an 80's popular quotes roll today).

And my completed window, woohoo-

It's hard to tell but the wall color IS different from the trim color.  Wall color is slightly gray.

Jonathan's trim looks even lovelier all cleaned up-

Post of him putting up the trim click HERE  (picture at the end of this one is still a favorite) and HERE.

If you remember, we decided to go with all white now because the black wasn't working for multiple reasons.  Mainly because our windows are old, thick framed, unattractive, and small in size and it drew too much attention to them.  Second it was making picking out curtains that we both agree on almost impossible.
I would love to get curtains up sometime soon.  That would be like receiving a dose of happy juices.

A few things that Jonathan completed recently.

Getting the TV wires alittle more under control-

Cut holes in the wall and installed these plastic thingys-

Snaking the chaos in through the wall-

And wallah-

This area obviously needs alot more work, but it is a start-

Little man doing work during the process-

And weather stripping and painting more stuff white.  We actually discussed and looked into new exterior doors.  More happy juices flowing.
Before grossness which was allowing cold air to blow through-


Little lady helping with this one.  It was a cold day to be working with an open door-

Small progress here and there.
Eating the elephant piece by piece.

1 comment:

  1. The window looks great!! All white was the right choice for that room.

    Definitely identify with doing little projects being a means to beat the February-sick-kids blues. Got some newly framed art up in the dining room recently and grinned like a fool every time I saw it for days. :)
