Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Ladies and Gentlemen.... A Curtain!

That's right my friends, step right up and BEHOLD this curtain.
Why so special you ask?  Because this curtain was 100,000 million years in the brainstorming phase.
If it was normal to talk to a curtain I would say this, "Hey curtain, you must be tired because you have been running circles through my mind for like 100,000 million years".
(Note that I don't think the world has been in existence that long, for those that were concerned.)

In all seriousness though the brainstorming process of this curtain did feel that long.  I mean.... I stink at decision making (apparently) and home decorating.
OK, I think the long intro has built up too much excitement, so take a moment to lower your expectations for a very normal curtain.

Maybe I should start over just to be safe.
Hi everyone,
I finally have made my first curtain.  This is the first version of the curtain and I plan to make a few minor adjustments to the next ones..... but for now.... ta-da here is it:

Making the curtain was not that difficult and maybe I will share those details after I make the planned alterations.  For now though it is just a cut square with the edges sewn under and a curtain rod pocket.  It typically would not take long at all to actually make..... typically is the key word here..... my 'helpers' maybe slowed the process somewhat-

Then little man got a hold of the camera-


Back to the curtain.
For now it is tied up with some twine (which is just thrown across the curtain rod).  I am not planning on using twine in the end, it looks a little too primitive for me.
For now its just a basic tie up curtain.

Fabric is gathering nicely when tied up.  Was going for a french linen look and I think this Joann Fabric knock off is doing fine.

'Real life' pictures of the prototype curtain-

Tied up even higher-

I hope to have the others up soon.

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