Thursday, May 15, 2014

If You Give Parents A Picnic

Inspired by Laura Numeroff's If You Give a Mouse a Cookie (along with her other similar books).

If you give parents a picnic, they might want to make it an epic picnic and drive to the coast.

Being on the coast might give the parents a boost of energy and make them wilder than they already are.

When the parents get wild, it might turbo charge the kids.

Wild parents with turbo charged kids might allow irresponsible things.... like jumping on cliff rocks.

And taking crazy pictures.

Allowing kids to do irresponsible things might eventually appease them and make them cooperate.

It might make them even cooperate for pictures.

It might make them even cooperate to sit and eat their picnic lunch.

And if parents get their picnic, it might make them happy.  Which will truly make the picnic (and the day) epic.

The End.


  1. The close up pic of A is just great! Also the one of your menfolk at the end of the post. :)
