Friday, January 4, 2013

New Year, Old Bay Window and Frosty Chicken Combs

I was hoping to begin this new year with a fresh, new, non drafty bay window.... 

but our contractor was not able to make that happen.... continuing to push back the work date.  It was initially scheduled for before Christmas then rescheduled before the year's end, as of Wednesday he was going to try and start by this week's end.  I guess there was some progress Wednesday.... they shoveled snow away from the work area.

With positive thinking we went ahead and removed our Christmas tree, I guess for this reason it was good they delayed the work (since we would have had to move it fully decorated during the holidays).  What a mess trees make, I completely understand why people get fake trees (more reasons than this).

A warm up in weather is forecasted for next week so thats also another positive for it getting postponed since there will be a hole in the side of our house during the process.
Speaking of the cold weather, chickens and snow don't mix-

Some breeds do better than others, our RI Red mix (Penny, who recently survived a hawk attack), seems to not mind cold too much.  You have to watch their combs and wattles though as they can get frost bit.  The comb is the red thingy on their head and the wattles are the danglies below their beaks (formal chicken talk yall).

To prevent frost bite we slavered their combs and wattles with vaseline, oh the uses of vaseline.  The hens were not too fond of the treatment, doesn't Rooster look happy.  She has a much smaller comb than Penny as you can see.

Not sure if that was post worthy, but I just like taking pictures of the chickens.

I apologize for another non exciting post (no house updates)... we are slowly getting back in gear to work on stuff.  Someone did add a lawn ornament this week, does that count as an update?

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