As Promised.... The Tale of the Traveling Pickles

Posted July 26, 2012

Just like all the pickles I know, we had the same humble beginnings….. as cucumbers.  There were seventeen of us to be exact and we reached our peak just before our ‘growers’ left for vacation.  Not wanting to leave us behind to waste they decided to preserve us and take us along on their trip.  So thats how our story begins…..

The back seat window was our spot so we could get some sun, it was a necessary part of our process (more on that in another post).  Our growers were as follows:
The driver-

His companion, she was a rather plump one-

And the chatty one-

The trip down wasn’t ideal, there was traffic and illness and fussiness….. and worst of all Connecticut (I-95, other than that its a lovely state).  Many times we attempted to jump into the ‘chatty one’s’ lap from the back window but were later secured in place.  Sixteen hours later we arrived in Washington, North Carolina.  Sadly we missed the rehearsal dinner that was planned that night but everyone was happy we got there safe.  This was our rental house for the next few days.

By the way, this was the real reason for the trip.  The ‘plump one’s’ little brother got married to a lovely lady who, the way we see it, could improve the Neas gene pool :)

We were not invited to the wedding of course so we stayed at the house….. in the sun on the banks of the Pamlico River.

Much activity began when everyone returned to the house.  There was fishing, swimming, boating and crabbing to name a few.  Life was good…

..until day 3 of our journey.  That was the day of the feast and we were on the menu, along with fried chicken and a plethora of salads.

Many were lost that day, I guess we should be flattered.  There were other feasts, one including the crabs that were caught.

The ‘orange wearing’ guy in the back doesn’t know how to smile.
Other notable expeditions while staying in Washington was a trip to the Outer Banks and Wright Brothers museum.  Apparently there were many sea shells needing to be thrown back into the ocean.

To get alittle chat out of the ‘chatty one’ he was encouraged to walk the original flight path up the monument.  It was good for the ‘plump one’ also after all the crab and fried chicken.

A site seeing trip was also made to Bath which is North Carolina’s first town.  More on it’s history is here if interested.
On Wednesday, we said goodbye and began to head back north…. but we made some stops on the way so the trip was much more pleasant than the one down.
First stop was Edenton, NC.  Our growers were impressed and glad they found this place.

Then we stopped in Hampton, VA for the night and explored the history the following day.  Fort Monroe and Yorktown were the highlights here.

We would give this stop 4 out of 5 pickles.  We would give it five but the triple digit weather affected things a bit.
Next stop was in Washington D.C..  Many encouraged our growers to stay in the hotel due to the heat wave but they were determined to get the ‘chatty one’ to the National Zoo.  We wondered about them often.

Apparently they had a good time.

Then it was off to New Jersey for a quick visit with family then home.
Though not all of us made it back home we deem the losses were worth the fun.  In the end we could have ended up with the same fate as our 20 some kin folk that went to waste in the garden while we were away OR these guys-

How embarrassing to be sold for a quarter.

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